This is Why She Left Us
Psychological Thriller
It’s a short film about a woman who is forced to kill in self-defense during a violent confrontation, she finds herself entangled in a web of suspicion and legal peril. Her life now is in the hands of her brother — an unwavering advocate of justice who sees the world in black and white.
The film is to be released in 2025.
Collaborate with the Director: Work directly with the director to define and refine the artistic direction of the film; discuss the tone, visual style, themes, and overall approach to storytelling.
Handle Creative Challenges: Collaborate with the team members to solve problems creatively, whether it's adjusting the shooting schedule to accommodate certain visual effects or tweaking a scene to enhance its emotional impact.
Oversee Production Design: Ensure that the design of the film — from sets to costumes to props — is executed as per the agreed-upon vision.
Work with Actors: Work with the director to ensure that the chosen actors align with the character vision and have the right chemistry with the rest of the cast.
Write Script Notes and Feedback: Cooperate with the writer to give feedback on the script, suggesting changes to improve pacing, character development, or thematic depth.
Create Additional Materials: Guide the creation of bonus content, such as behind-the-scenes features, commentary tracks, or other special materials that align with the artistic and creative vision of the film.
Strong Creative Vision
Team Building
Creative Execution